
An apple music-like card generator


If you use or listenbrainz, simply enter your username and click "Generate". The track will be your last listened track.

If you want to generate an image for a different song, then ignore the username field, and enter the track title and artist name on the second field, and of course, click "Generate"

To download the image, just right click or hold your finger on the image and click "save as"

Click here to view differences with apple music.

Required values

Please make sure you use the exact track title and artist name for the track, because you cannot search and pick which song is choosen. Backend picks the first result. Data is fetched from Spotify API.

Optional values

This controls the brightness for the tracks cover image, which will be used for the background of the card. To make it darker, enter anything lower than 1.00, or higher than to make it brigher

This controls the amount of blur the cover image will have

This value controls the rounded corners radius for the cover.

This controls the transparency of the container, where the track title, artist, album name and cover are placed.

This value controls the rounded corners radius of the container.

The following values control how many characters can be displayed in the cover. This value usually doesnt need to be changed, unless there is more space available, or the characters still go outside of the container.